“She really likes her food..”

Crawling isn’t even the most exciting thing going on in Rowan-land. Rowan is officially eating! It’s crazy.  It’s like a switch turned on and she just decided that eating is a worthwhile thing to do. She started taking down jars of baby food and is now eating mashed table food. All within three weeks! Rowan will even feed herself Cheerios and graham crackers. I hand or spoon feed her most of the time, though, because she throws EVERYTHING.

Rowan’s feeding therapist is very impressed with her progress. Last week, Rowan yelled at her because the therapist was too slow with the butternut squash! I can’t quite believe that Rowan is really eating. I keep thinking that Rowan will refuse to eat like she’s done in the past. But her therapist doesn’t think so. She feels we’re past that..because Rowan really likes her food.

Posted on Saturday, December 26th, 2009 at 10:20 pm. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

2 Responses to ““She really likes her food..””

  1. Cary says:

    Woohoo on both fronts. You said it- as soon as she wants to do it- she will. And she did. Awesome.

  2. lola says:

    She did all these after a visit to Brownsville. The prayers of the whole ST.Mary’s community are being answered. Budidtat guid ang pinita ni Lola

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